Sunday, May 23, 2010

Belated birthday , jess & kelvin ! :D

Hahahaa. time to start blogging again ! my blog is dying alrd. didn't bother to blog for so long. HEE ~ fri had steamboat w bossini's @ novena agn (kelvin's birthday), sat had k session w ite friends @ teoheng agn (jess's birthday), today went to IMM cos my sis wna go to sign the luo zhi xiang's album. LOL ! I DIDNT GET TO SEE HIM LOR ! SO SAD. ONLY SEE THE V SMALL HIM FROM THE WINDOW ): he was sitting dwn signing the album. LOL ! cos only people w the album can go in. BUT I KNOW HE IS ALWAYS HANDSOME. :DDDDDDDDDD agree yea ? Alright , time for photos.

Jess's 18 ! Happy Birthday ~

Kelvin's 22 ! Happy Birthday ~

(SEE ! all this was the amt of food he ate !)

(he only want his food ~ Lol !)

(the youngest !)

(a nice grp photo ! :D)

thanks jess & kelvin for the treat. aft 2 days of off, i'm back to work tmr ! hahaha. then tue and wed off agn. :D tue will be meeting shan & alvin for badminton. time to exercise agn ! woohoo ~ ALVIN DONT BULLY US LE HOR ! hahaha.

A list of movie i wna watch ! Hahaha. cos i went gv to see got wht nice show and tadah ! dont see nth happen, once i see, so many movie i wna watch. somemore most of them are still Coming Soon ! LOL ~ :D
1st, Shrek Forever After *In 3D*
2nd, Prince of Persia: The Sands Of Time
3rd, Toy Story 3 *In 3D*
4th, Triple Tap
5th, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse *CONFIRM MUST WATCH !*
6th, The Karate Kid

okay, if SOMEONE saw this, he will go crazy ! HAHAHHA. oops. :/ hee. this month pay will die agn. HAHA. i wna go shop @ cotton on once i got my pay cos now gss everything cheap cheap & CHEAP ! :D &&& i wna get myself a camera. ): i also wna get sth for someone. :) HAHAA. okay, i alrd planned wht to buy for him alrd. MUAHAHAHAA ~ :D shall stop here. bye ~
